A 24-hour crisis hotline is immediately answered at all times by staff and trained advocates in order to provide immediate assistance to sexual assault survivors. Staff and advocates are bilingual and able to answer calls in English and Spanish. Staff and advocates are familiar with community services available and are able to refer callers for additional services.
Crisis intervention is provided by program staff and trained advocates at the hospital 24 hours a day, law enforcement offices, courthouse, rape crisis center office, or at any other location during regular hours of operation. Crisis intervention services include active listening, assessment of immediate and long-term needs, identification of coping skills, exploration of options, problem solving, safety planning, assessment of potential injury to self or others, explanation of victim’s rights, the effects of sexual violence and possible reactions, and referrals to other resources.
This service is available 24 hours a day. On-call program staff and trained advocates will arrive at the hospital within 15 minutes of notification by hospital personnel that a sexual assault survivor has been admitted or is in route. The responding individual will provide a thorough explanation of Victim Rights for Sexual Assault Survivors including medical collection of evidence process and will remain with the survivor through the duration of the forensic medical exam or until they are no longer needed. Staff and advocates will also ensure that the survivor is not re-victimized during the collection of evidence.
Program staff and trained advocates will provide survivors with a thorough explanation of the legal process and what to expect during the meetings or proceedings. During the medical exam and afterwards, survivors are assisted with filling out pseudonym forms if there are concerns about privacy, and filling out police reports if they wish to press charges. They may also be assisted with preparing a Victim Impact Statement during court proceedings. Each survivor is provided with accompaniment during all follow-up visits to law enforcement offices and prosecutor’s offices, as well as during court hearings.
Program staff and trained advocates provide each survivor with a thorough explanation of their rights and with assistance filing for Crime Victim’s Compensation benefits. With the survivor’s written consent, survivors are also assisted with communication with employers, schools, housing authorities, and any other entities that the survivor is dealing with.
The survivor’s needs are constantly being assessed and referrals for additional services are facilitated as needs are identified.
The sexual abuse prevention presentations at schools and community agencies are provided upon request. These presentations are designed to increase knowledge of the causes and consequences of sexual violence and to increase knowledge of services available for survivors of sexual violence. All presentations include the most current information available in order to ensure accuracy of information. Presentations are conducted in locations that are easily accessible for those living in rural areas and are delivered in both English and Spanish. Presentations are developed considering the age, values, culture, identities, and language of the intended audience. Public education is further provided through media campaigns and social media.
Program Director: Sylvia Flores
Phone: +1 (956) 568 7105 Ext. 204